course detail
CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting
Course Code and Name:
CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting
This is a qualification for concreters working in concreting operations on residential and commercial projects.
Occupational titles include:
- concreter
- concrete tilt panel fabricator.
Packaging Rules:
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must demonstrate competency in 22 units of competency. This is comprised of 17 core units and 5 elective units.
For the elective units:
- 3 units must be selected from Group A
- the remaining 2 elective units may be selected from Group A and/or Group B or from any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course at Certificate III or Certificate IV level.
Some units in this qualification may have prerequisite requirements, which must be met when packaging the qualification.
For more information on this qualification, please contact Australian Consolidated Training.
Core Units
CPCCCA3002 Carry out setting out
CPCCCA3028 Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs on ground
CPCCCM2002 Carry out hand excavation
CPCCCM2006 Apply basic levelling procedures
CPCCOM1012 Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1014 Conduct workplace communication
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCOM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCCON2021 Handle concreting materials and components
CPCCON2022 Select, use and maintain concreting plant, tools and equipment
CPCCON3035 Determine concrete supply requirements
CPCCON3041 Place concrete
CPCCON3042 Finish concrete
CPCCON3043 Cure concrete
CPCCSF2004 Place and fix reinforcement materials
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
Group A: Specialist elective units
CPCCON3036 Plan concrete work and brief team
CPCCON3044 Apply decorative finishes to concrete
CPCCON3046 Repair and rectify concrete
CPCCON3047 Cut concrete
CPCCON3048 Construct tilt panels on site
CPCCON3049 Apply and finish sprayed concrete
CPCCON3050 Carry out high performance concreting
CPCCON3051 Conduct off-form vertical concrete operations
CPCCON3053 Slump test concrete
CPCCON3054 Operate concrete agitator trucks
CPCCON3055 Install topping slabs
CPCCON3056 Conduct concrete pump delivery operations
CPCCON3057 Core concrete
Group B: General elective units
CPCCCM2007 Use explosive power tools
CPCCCM2008 Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding
CPCCCM2012 Work safely at heights
CPCCOM1016 Identify requirements for safe precast and tilt-up work
CPCCSF2003 Cut and bend materials using oxy-LPG equipment
CPCCSF3001Apply reinforcement schedule
CSQ Skills Assessment and Gap Training Funding (Recognition of Prior Learning and Gap Training)
Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an independent, not-for-profit, industry funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry. Funding subsidies may be available to eligible Queensland workers for skills assessment and up to 10 units of gap training, valued at up to $5,500. A minimum of 2 Gap Training units applies. Participants must be able to demonstrate RPL experience in a minimum of 70% of the units of competencies required to complete this qualification, and of these units have no more than 50% Credit Transfer.
Recognition of Prior Learning - Enrol Anytime
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual's relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and life learning).
Australian Consolidated Training offers RPL for all accredited courses. For this qualification, four (4) years experience in the concreting industry is indicative of success. For those who do not have four years experience, please contact us to discuss your options.
Please click the "Recognition of Prior Learning" button for more information.